Friday, 6 August 2010

Clifford's Tower in York - the only photo opp?

Can someone explain to me why it appears that the only PR photo opp in York is in front of Clifford's Tower? Is it really the only recognisable landmark in this city?

Every week The Press will carry a story with the tower behind the subjects of the photograph. It's also, generally, the same set-up. Is it the same photographer doing this?

This is the story in today's Press which has irked me. It's a nice tale about bus and taxi drivers brushing up on their knowledge of the city to impress visitors. I only hope they know of other photo opps other than Clifford's Tower.

Business writing, public and media relations, PR, articles, blogs, website content, news and features in York, Leeds and Scarborough.


  1. I sometimes wonder if photographers think about it's very dubious anti-semetic history. If they thought about it, they'd probably choose a slightly more welcoming attraction!

  2. Actually that's a pretty good point. Wish I'd thought of it first now. Many thanks for commenting!

  3. I'm one hundred percent sure you will find that it's not the photographers who are choosing to do this but the PR companies who commission them.

  4. Another good point. I doubt you'll get most PR account managers to dream up something new for a backdrop.
    Thanks for the comment!
