Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Blitz on problem cyclists in York city centre

As a cyclist I love riding around the centre of York and I support, to some degree, the proposed crackdown.
There's no excusing the clowns who ride down Coney Street on a Saturday afternoon expecting pedestrians to move out of the way.

However, I do confess to riding through the streets very early in a morning (and on a weekend it's surprising how many tourist groups are on guided trips).

This story on the problem in the York Press is pretty good but the 'crack down' needs to be carried out throughout the year.

And let's not just focus on the chav element - last Saturday two women middle-aged women on nice bikes who should know better did the pelting along Coney Street without a care-in-the-world routine and it made me mad.

To make matters worse they cycled past what looked like a police officer in cycle gear - who did absolutely nothing.

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